Happy Fathers day to all those men out there thats handling business of being great fathers to kids thats are around today...........
I just wanted to explain what I observe in how fatherhood is being looked at today. I know Im not a father or even married or dating yet, but I just wanted to say on what Im seeing. This is a holiday where we should recognize the men that are actually accepting the role, this is not Sperm-Donor Day. A key thing I see is that the good fathers of today are being overshadowed by the bad fathers, just people keep talking about the bad fathers so often.
I know some people plan to have kids, most of them is out of surprise. But usually, the man has to step up because we now see examples of what happens of households that does not have a father figure there. Im not saying a household is weak w/o a father, Im just saying not every household can go w/o one. Dont believe me, just turn the TV on to Maury. I know its questionable on how real it is, but notice a lot of times when they have those troubled children episodes, its usually mother and daughter, the father is nowhere in those episodes. Also, even when there is a father in the house, he still has to learn to put his foot down & say what needs to be said. A father's words can be the difference between good choices & bad choices. Sometimes a father's words can be the difference between a person living a great life & a person who might be behind bars.
But also, to certain Women out there, if a man that is no longer w/ you BUT he is willing to be a good father to his child, LET HIM BE!!! Im hearing too many stories on women that will blast a man or will stalk or even put a man on child support ONLY because the father of her child does not want that relationship w/ her. This is 2011, I know its easier for people to break up now than it was in the past, but its rare to find a good father around these days. This might be a lil off topic, but also I heard stories of single women who turn their backs to their own kids only because they were lonely & chose a random man over their kids. If a man you meet does not accepts your kids, then really he does not accept you. If you just trust God & have patience, a man will come in to love you & your kids. Also, women, if you have sons, explain to them about what it means for a woman to find a good man, I know you can't teach him fully to be a man, but you can explain him stuff to where hopefully he doesnt follow to be a dead-beat.
I know I shouldn't, but I often question what would life had been like if my dad was still around. Would my family still would have been in Hot Springs?? Would I have still gotten my education in Memphis?? Would I have been a different person?? Either way, I still remember how great of a man my dad was. A great Father, Husband, Provider, and he was a part of the community of our city.
Men, we have to look around us. We are living in a time where we actually see the effects of having a father in the house and NOT having a active, loving father in the house. If you have kids, continue to bring wisdom into their lives. If you havent been in your kids lives, you may need to start, because your wisdom & examples can go a long way. If you are not a father yet, observe those who are fathers & see if you can identify who is being a good father, a bad father, and a sperm-donor.
BIG Shout-outs to God, My Dad, My Uncles, My Big Cousins, & the men at Union Missionary Baptist Church in Hot Springs, Ark for their guidance & for being male role models for me growing up & guiding me on the right path to manhood.
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