Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Update

Having an ok day so far. This morning when I was running, I lost my flash drive off my keychain. When I run, I usually wrap my keys around my hand. Then when I went back down the trail to look for it, it started to rain. It didnt stop til I got to work. But what ended up cheering me up was that Michael Jackson megamix that the radio station was playing, as well as a Texas-sized iced cinnamon roll. So as we speak, Im getting some backup files on my MP3 player until I got a chance to go buy a new drive. Whats making me mad now is the computer wants to go up & down on downloading times for certain documents (and music but dont tell no one lol), but with some, the download would freeze up on part, then would say complete when I know its not done downloading. May have to check this computer if its a firewall thats doing this.

But going running this morning, They had some stuff set up almost fair style downtown. Then I saw on the front of the newspaper that it was Bikers Weekend & they were going to have festivities downtown. But something caught my eye: Fried Oreos!!! Its the first time I've seen this, but If I perhaps trying it, Im going to run this off instantly. I also somehow saw that the local sex shop is having a tent set up, its covered all around for now, but I wonder if they gonna have some black pornos out there to sell lol.

But there was a story in the newspaper that I saw that I cant get out my mind. A woman has been arrested because she stabbed her live-in boyfriend, the news didnt release her age but the live-in boyfriend is 50 years old. From what the article said, she said that she & a friend was driving around at about 1-3am in the morning. He friend told the police the same story & even did a written/signed statement. But when the police talked to the boyfriend, he said that he was sitting on the bed, and she just walked in & stabbed him. So what happen was the friend first got arrested for giving a false statement, out on bail but could face up to 6 yrs in prison. Now w/ the main woman, the police tried to get to her, when they went to her house, she seemed to never be at home or would never open the door. They ended up catching her because one day, her daughter opened the door & the police went in & arrested her. They said that the woman could get up to 20 yrs for the stabbing. But maybe its just me, but you a 50 yr old man now living in your girlfriend's house?? Im thinking there may have been an argument of some type, she might have been tired of him. Im hoping by 50, I would at least have my own home to go to, married??? Dont know if its in the cards. But this is why Im neglected to move in w/ a girlfriend w/o getting married first, it may work, but it may not, but this is one of the reasons I want to get my own before getting into a relationship.

But Im out, may look for something to get into tonight.

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