Friday, June 17, 2011

Its Friday, where the drinks at??

Great day, but what makes it even better is that the sun is NOT out today..............

So I was on facebook Yesterday and I saw a friend of mine with the following status:

"I don't think I'm old enough for my bf to leave me for a younger woman.... I think that would be referred to as cradle robbing in the literal sense"

Then today I saw a status today saying:

thinking how much i would enjoy being single right now....."

Is it me, or am I reading in too hard on this?? I thought there was a rule saying that you should not air out ALL your business on Facebook. Everyone is on it, parents, family, co-workers, the mailman, The pet Dog (I know 2 cases of dogs having their own pages) and everyone else. Even if you are not friends w/ them, there is a chance they might see whats going on in your FB page. Dont know if its for attention or she done something we dont know about. There is another thing about this girl: She is 37 weeks prego. I don't know if she is having mood swings or not. Also, it has her as In A Relationship w/ (name) so dude should already be seeing this on her page. So he sees a status of 1) His girl saying he not gonna leave & 2) His girl might want to be single. I know her as a former co-worker of mine, Pull her aside about it being improper to vent that or just let it be??

And I was thinking of talking about Dave Chappelle today, yet it was confirmed that he would NOT go into a new show. I think he should be able to come back, just in a different format. I remember that he did the movie about the concert in NY. The next show he does: He could be a host for a Neo-Soul Show, past, present, & upcoming acts, I think it could actually work, yet I dont know if BET would be a mature station to carry it. Another option may be for him to be a host for Def Poetry Jam, to see how that goes.

Have a great weekend & dont forget to hug the nearest guy next to you, and if you a guy, proceed w/ caution lmao

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