Saturday, June 4, 2011

On the porch

Nothing on tv today so Im out here on my porch sippin & doing some thinking. May just needed some quietness from a long week. Birds are chirping, wheres the crackhead to make things complete?? Lol

Just one of those times where I can reflect on life. The one thing I know Im doing now is doing what I can to make my life enjoyable to be in. There have been times where I ended up staying away from certain people because they keep complaining about nothing happens to them. But the thing is that I feel people these days dont want to take responsibility for their own happiness & excitement. They just expect someone to come in and make things interesting. Why you not trying to get your own bordom out??? You really cant blame someone else because your life is boring or in fact, you cant blame someone else for you being a Lameass.

SN: Women, dont expect a man to bring excitement or happiness into your lives, you need to learn how to bring that into your own lives first

And when I mean making life interesting, I dont mean finding drama to get into. I dont mean findind a bad person to be around when you know damn well they gonna get you in trouble. I know homies right now in trouble because they followed someone rather than be responsible for making things happen.

I dont want to be a souce of someone`s entertainment and I dont want to rely on someone else to find my own happiness. I am accountable for me & what I do. Dont sit on your ass & think something gonna fall on your lap, go & do something,as long as you not trying to kill folks.

Well, my drink is gone & still warm out here. Havent really ate anything yet today, dont want to starve myself.


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