Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tipsy Tuesday

Today was unexpected. Accidentally fell asleep last night around 8 or 9, woke up around 3:30 but got my running in an hour or so later. The strange thing was I re-shaved my head last night expecting to get a tan on my head but today it was raining. So I found out my cousin DC is in my city working for the nearby Walgreens, staying at a hotel on the other side of town, I mentioned in an earlier blog on whether or not she lied about the placement, she claim the job "made" her take the temporary placement in a smaller boring town. We were suppose to meet later today yet she hasnt called me yet on what she wants to do, she had a doctors appt today. I don't know, just have a strange feeling about it, like a gut feeling for some reason. I love my cousin, yet just hope everything is accurate on what she is telling me. I remember that I once helped her w/ some things while she stayed in Memphis while I was in school. A key moment was when I was on my way to Memphis to see my then-girlfriend for V-Day weekend, I went to Little Rock to just drop off my cousin's birthday gift, she was working late, so I got a hotel room & planned to wait on cousin, plus I was half sleep from getting off work. She calls me late after she gets off, and ask if she could stay at my hotel room for the night, she was telling me that her bf somehow left town & she didnt want to be there by herself for the night. When she got to my room, she was asking about Why didnt I have food, wanted money to get food, wanted to drink some liquor, use my laptop for "business", and other random stuff. Strange thing was she was out in the morning before I woke up. But now, she wants me to try to look for her a new bf because she is getting tired of the one she is with now, she claims she hates it w/ her present bf (a frat bro in fact), and she doesnt want to leave him until she found someone else. Overall, I can help her, but Its really not my job to set damn near everything up in her life for her. I can teach her how to fish w/o giving it to her. But I'll just see what happens..........might just take her to Happy Hour @ Oaklawn one of these days.

But as of travel plans, I don't really fully know. New bills have came up, so Im seeing about delaying my Houston trip for the 1st weekend in Aug, getting to see my family and attend the Texas Greek Picnic. Im also researching for my trip next summer to London, want to hit the highlights, mainly the basketball championship & maybe some track meets.

Almost forgot, You can hit me up on Facebook or Twitter, links have been embedded

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