Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Movies on DVD

So I was up late last night only because of that nap I took right when I got off. Looking for something to watch, ended up watching WarGames w/ Matthew Broderick. First time really seeing it, was boring enough to where I skipped some parts of it. I looked into the special features of it, and saw that they had WarGames 2 that came out in 2008 straight to DVD.

I never really understood the "straight to dvd" concept. Is it some sort of "get your feet wet" idea?? Or is it "The people who fell off from the Main screen"?? Some are good, yet most have been horrible. What also bothered me was that there have been straight to dvd movies that were sequels or spinoffs of major motion pictures.

Here are some key ones off the top of my head:

Stomp the Yard 2

All 20564738462 & counting Spinoffs of Bring it On

Belly 2 (What happen w/ them saying that Nas & DMX was supposed to do the sequel??)

Anything National Lampoon these days

Any Im missing??

But I really don't know.......................What is the system behind this?? Maybe the only ones I accept are the Plays, Comedy Specials, & maybe some Codeblack stuff. My favorite straight to video movie: prolly American Pie's Beta House, He Who Finds a Wife, & Diary of a Tired Black Man. But is it worth the time to get these types of movies??

My random thought for the day

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