Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wet Wednesday

Busy so far this week, going on some things I had to finish up, basically hit work running

As some people may know, my lil sis made 9th grade cheerleader for the upcoming year, her 1st year in high school. She already been doing her practices, mom been telling me that she still having to work out this summer. Sis told me that she has to jog a 12-min mile, so when she finally gets out of school for the summer, I plan on taking her w/ me to workouts & running in the morning.

I try to do other stuff besides sports, yet the stories I'm hearing about Ohio State is becoming quite interesting. In a span of 8 days, your football program loses its top coach AND your starting QB to NCAA sanctions. I read some stories about Terrell Pryor quitting, its his senior year, he should have just stuck it out & be held for his responsibilities, stayed & finish his degree at least. They said that some of these athletes had problems paying rent & bills, yet didnt some of these athletes have that option of getting free room & board rather than going off-campus?? Maybe there are things Im missing. I read an article saying because Pryor left OSU now, he doesnt have to go to court about what happened. I always felt that this kind of activity in major schools happen almost everywhere, its just those that get caught or those that cant keep their mouth shut that end up making the news. OSU fans: I do feel sorry for you all, yet even if they are helping the school win games, if they did the crime, they have to face the consequences.

Ended up running twice yesterday, 2nd time I went after work. But last night I also went to my homeboy's crib to watch Game 4 of the NBA Finals, got home late around 11 or so. Now my homie is a mad video game lover, the diff between us is that he more into role-playing games & Im more into the sports games. He was playing this game, called Dante's Inferno, but the main character basically had to go to hell to fight demons. In the beginning of the game, the character was sewing a big cross on his bare chest. I watched dude play this, played for at least a good hour but I got tired when he was trying to beat that 3 headed monster in the Gluttony stage of hell. Maybe thats just me, but I never believe in religion being mixed in w/ gaming concepts.

But yeah, just in a lil hurry today, have to get off work & finish some errands today

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