Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Guess What??

I just feel good today, feel almost balanced for some reason. Im calm, not really bothered by anything, prolly because the sun not out today and I had a good breakfast this morning.

But I was just been thinking about some fad thats going on: Are men borderlining being gay these days?? Yes, this is a heterosexual male asking about this. But its just there have been things around me that me wonder do we try to do certain things w/o a label??

There are new phrases that have been coming up these past few years. Some that I heard was "Bromance", "Man Date", and "Man Crush". Maybe there are some things that dont need to be made into a noun. I may just use "hanging with" or "My homie". Also, what makes men want to wear tight jeans in public?? I thought it was a Cali thing, but Im seeing more & more of it in the south. My nuts need to breathe.

Growing up, I had at least 2 cases of men telling me it was ok to accept a blowjob from another man. So what you are saying that its gay for a man to give head yet its not gay for a man to receive it from another man?? I always thought any sexual contact w/ another man of any sort would be considered homosexual. And what happens in the prisons?? Is it where they go so long w/o a girl that they start turning to each other?? Remember the movie For Color Girls where Janet's husband was like "Im not gay, im not holding hands w/ another male, I just like having sex w/ men"?? *Riley voice* "You Gay Nigga!!" Jacking off must not be an option these days...............

Maybe I'm being too observant on this stuff, but Im just wondering are men actually trying to do as much as we can w/o being called Gay??? If you are gay, be gay, this society is not much blasting homosexuals, but they will blast you for lying about it.

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