Monday, June 13, 2011

Growing Up...............

It was an OK weekend, thank God for making it through. I really didnt do much, but it was somewhat productive. Me & my bro got to go downtown Friday night yet returned early because he had to help his mom get everything packed for her trip to TX for a funeral. The strange thing was that the mom left at 1am late Friday night, went to the funeral, then returned to Hot Springs about Midnight on Saturday, 8 hours to get to her destination, 8 hours to get back. So homie had me to come over Sat night to help him study for his history exam, he has summer school he had to take for his degree. I swear that trying to tutor someone w/ ADD is harder than it looks. I arived at the house, he was playing video games. I got him off it, I helped him do an outline to study & even showed him what pages to look at. Noticed he was falling asleep during reading yet was up when the TV was on, so although I was helping him to understand the topics, I keep jamming the book in his face telling him he needed to read, I know he may have hated me for it, but if you call me over to help you study, thats what we doing. He even talked about going out to see what was going on, yet I made sure he stayed on course. I was at that house til about 5 that morning.

Just made me think of some of the things I went through in these past few years. Believe it or not, I had 2 offers to be someone's roommate these past few months, one wanted to move into my home, another talking about sharing an apartment. Im just at that point where I dont need them anymore, in fact, actually trying to make things happen solo. Thats was one of the reasons why I decided not to move back to Memphis; time to move on & just take that next step in life. In Memphis, I know only a handful of people that have acted grown, and most of them are planning to move out the city to better places in a few years. I know I made a few mistakes on the way trying to do stuff by myself, but Im still learning. Just seeing that theres people out here that are too afraid to do grown-up things. We just live in a time where "Act your age" dosnt matter anymore. Sometimes if you have personal responsibilities, you may have to sacrifice some things in life. Guys, especially some of my frat bruhs, when you are in college, its only should last you 4-5 years & thats it, you there to get your degree. You cant see your fraternity as your only source of enjoyment in life, neither are the women that are on campus. The women that are out in the real world, I know they are not as loose as some of these girls you hang with, but they have their lives together & have accomplished more things in their lives. Im still active in certain aspects but just dont really do much party-wise anymore (or maybe thats because I live in a horrid city now). And I know some people are trying to become DJs & Party Promoters as well; if you are gonna do it, dont do it for the wrong reason. And by wrong reason, I mean that you dont want to leave that certain party scene to move on w/ life and you dont want to really work in the real world. 2 party promoters I know, one on ATL & one in Little Rock, they are both successful, yet they also have other things going on in life, one works for the government, the other works in real estate.

But the key thing is that we have to face that real world. We could do what we can, but we cant run from the responsibility of maturing. I myself wanted to move out of here, but I understand that I responsibilities here, including handling my 14-yr-old sis starting high school, her dad is nowhere around & Im the closest male she looks up to. Also just having to make sure my mom is taken care of. I do want to own a house in the future, just I dont know if its gonna be here. Im pushing real hard for my mom & sis to move down to TX to be closer to family. I just remember how my dad was: He gotten his degree, he married my mom & gotten a job & house in Hot Springs, and he had me, he died when I was 10, yet I still remembered how he was able to handle business, and I want to be like him. But just learn to handle yours, and things will fall into place, and some things that fall into place might be better than what you originally wanted in the first place.

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