Friday, June 10, 2011

The "Victim Role"

Just in the cut...........

Maybe its what Im seeing in people for a good while now. I know that Spring & Summer time is the season when most people decide to get out of relationships. But what I notice is that over the years, there have been many women that get out of relationships & start blasting their exes on what he done to them. My thoughts on this exclude rape & violence victims. The thing that bothers me is if there are too many people out there that abuse the victim role, just using it to gain attention to themselves. We understand some of you went through some things, yet you have to understand you have to heal. My homie's wife (or soon-to-be ex-wife) has been throwing all types of comments about how she is stronger w/o him & how she wasnt gonna go & take shit anymore. I talked to my homie about this, he said he didnt do anything to her, but its becoming a he said, she said thing now. The thing is do some of us put more energy blasting exes than trying to fix relationships? Or the question is Do people want to look a certain way coming out of a relationship?? This is hard to put in words but Im trying.

Sometime I look at people being a victim like having a cast on your leg; people suppose to heal, yet there are some who use it to get attention & may keep it on longer than it should be on. Stop trying to use the victim role to get attention, try to use the good aspects of yourself to gain that attention. I have been done dirty in the past myself yet but I'm not gonna bring it up over & over again so I could have people feel sorry for me, you gonna see those great characteristics that makes me a good guy to be around.

This was a lil hard for me to write, didnt know how to put it in words.

All from me today, have a great weekend. What Im gonna do?? Don't know yet..........

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